John and Bex Geocaching Blog

Our Online Blog of our Geocaching adventures.

Spoiler Warning

This page may contain hints or spoilers as to where Geocaches are located.

Town: Scunthorpe

Cache Description:

This is a great cache very close to where we live and we never knew how much beauty was near us.
Hidden in the woods is a very nice duck pond with swans :-D

This would be an idea place for bird watching.

Cache was a water tight container hidden at a base of a tree.

Paul helped us find this cache on a nice evening caching.

Date found: 04/06/09

Our Pictures from the Cache and nearby:

The Swans in the beautiful pond.

The hidden Cache.

The contents of the cache.


I think one of the best parts of geocaching is that it takes you to nearby spots that you didn't know existed or knew about but didn't realize how awesome the spot was!

Thanks for the comment P.J..

This really is a great hobby

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